How to get awesome insight from data as a smaller business (without blowing the bank!)
Can you do smart stuff with data and be a small company? Absolutely. Can it be a humongous time and money drain if it’s not done right? Oh yes. For many innovative, growing businesses, generating business and customer insight from data is a no-brainer. But when you’re not a FTSE 100 with teams of data […]
How to turn your data into a money maker 2
Guide two: extracting your data Before any writer tells a great story, they’ll research a topic inside and out before typing their first word. It’s the same with expert data visualisers. With purpose and care, they’ll extract the right data, in the right way, to make sure they can tell a great story with it. […]
How to turn your data into a money maker
Guide one: building strong use cases You see zeros and ones, we see a goldmine. Data is hugely powerful for businesses in Marketing, Sales, Procurement, you name it. But start a data project without strong objectives and you’ll be in trouble. To win at the data game, you’ve got to: Ask the right questions Set […]
Quitting work, saving babies and solving crime
How data is shaping our world (Data is cool! article #2) “Tell me something cool about data!” Said no one, ever. Or perhaps not outside a data analyst meeting. Which is a shame really, as data is having a greater and more profound effect on each of our lives with each passing year. In our […]